
I remember the times when I used to get in my closet and have my own little ”war room” sessions, but I realized that I do have times where I fall all the way off, and when I fall off I just don’t feel right. It’s not that I necessarily have to spend hours and hours praying but when I’m not having that one on one time with my Heavenly Father, life just doesn’t go quite right for me.

Ever felt stressed, worried, confused, frustrated, and just a mess at life. Well, so have I and one of my favorite scriptures that come to mind when I’m going through those moments us:

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭NLT

‬‬Life can take ahold of us at times when we let it, forgetting that all we have to do is talk to God about it. Yes, some may think it’s easier said then done but really we do not have control over our circumstances in life and we shouldn’t we want it.So, all we can do is look to God for help and comfort.

Worrying doesn’t solve anything, stressing just makes you feel sick, and confusion is not from the Lord.

As humans we should and can only do what’s in our control, leaving the rest to God, seeking his direction and guidance every step of the way.

Lord, we seek your will not our own!

How do we seek God and his guidance you ask? By praying and spending time in his presence to hear from him. A time requirement is not needed, it’s your heart(motive) that matters. Let’s get back and continue our quiet time sessions with our Heavenly Father, reading our Bible, seeking revelation and guidance from Him with faith and expectancy. Knowing that He indeed hear us and will answer us according to His will for our lives and in His timing.

In Jesus Name, Amen!

Xoxo Nai


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