Checking In

It’s been a while.
At the beginning of the year, I had all intention of blogging more consistently this year, and bloop, which fell off real quick. Forgive me yall! I can mention all the things that have got me occupied, but “We do not care .. Tik Tik lol.”

Can you believe we are already Mid-way through the year?
We thank God for bringing us this far.

I pray that all is well with you all.
I just wanted to check in and let you know I am indeed alive and well, if you’re curious. Just busy with life at the moment, but I shall return. God has redirected my course for now, but we will return.

How are you doing?
How’s the year been so far for you?
What do you have going on?
Are you keeping up with reading your Bible and minding your business??

I pray you are doing well and that your walk with Christ is more profound, and that His light is shining through you and with you, to all around you.

If you don’t follow me on IG, I tend to post there most of the time and would love to hear from you all.

Love you all, Stay Blessed!


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