Who are you connected to?

There comes a time when you will begin to reevaluate the people that you’ve surrounded yourself with and don’t feel bad about that, everyone isn’t meant to be in your life forever, some relationships are seasonal. Everyone can’t go with you on this journey to heaven so we need to be discerning and not naive thinking that it’s only people that you may consider “ bad/evil” that can hurt you, it can be those close to you. Granted, yes it may hurt to realize that and let them go but don’t fight it, it’s called growth and maturity.  In relationships that tend to have more downs than ups have you ever considered that maybe it’s not meant to be? 

I’ve been there before and honestly, it started the closer I got to God, the more I prayed for God to protect my space, open my eyes to the “snakes”, “wolves in sheep clothing”,  the“ little foxes” (whatever you want to call them) and just surround me with who he wants me around, I lost and gained different types of relationships. It hurts A LOT sometimes because you’re so used to that person in your life, you love them and thought you would be friends forever but know that everything happens for a reason. Don’t get me wrong, some failed relationships can be a result of our own doing so it’s important to look within yourself and see what or how you may have contributed to that failed friendship and learn from it. But if you honestly didn’t contribute to the loss or you know you put effort into working it out and it doesn’t seem to be mending back together, you’re probably trying to defeat God, just surrender it to him and let him have his way. In the end, you’ll be better off, trust that he knows what he’s doing.  Let’s begin to ask God for confirmation for all types of relationships, not only romantic ones. You shouldn’t be so desperate for people in your life without a word from God.

 Lord, please open my eyes to see this person’s true colors and if they are really meant to be in my life may it flow naturally. If it, unfortunately, is just for a season or they aren’t supposed to be in my life at all, then please help them to not want to be with me and help me to not be hurt when they say that or give me the courage to be the one to end it. In the end, if they cannot connect to where I’m doing in life, we can’t be. I seek your will and not my own, only you know the plans you have for me and if they don’t fit … end it. Amen

You may come across some “friends” that may come into your life and in actuality are not really for you. They rather you shrink yourself and not elevate, they want to be up whiles you stay where you are, or they just want both of you to stay where you’re at. When you know who you are, who you belong to, and start seeing yourself properly you won’t give yourself to just anyone. If they don’t see your crown, don’t believe in you, and don’t contribute to your elevation in life, let them go. It doesn’t matter what they think of you or what they are saying about you, hold that head up high because you know who and whose you are!  You’re not being prideful but don’t ever think that you have to settle (shrink yourself) or accept people treating you any type of way just to have them around. Don’t allow someone to play games with your mind of not know if they are for you are not, sorry but if that’s occurring that then they’re NOT for you! If they can’t accept your growth and grow with you, then sorry there isn’t any room for them in your life … simple as that.

Some people prefer when you walk with your head held down so they don’t have to look into your eyes – Sarah Jakes Roberts

Some people like it when your remain stagnant, take anything and are ignorant, but as soon as you put up boundaries, realizing who you are and want to better yourself, there theirs a problem … funny right. Let them know that If they can’t change their minds about you then they have to change their path. You can’t shrink yourself to make someone comfortable, you are a child of God and he has plans for you.  People need to come correct in your life and if they can’t connect to where you’re going know that your soul is more important, it’s better it’s over. You can’t live a life both ways (in the world & for God), some people have to mourn who you used to be, don’t be afraid to Re-Introduce yourself! Yes, they know who you used to be but can they connect to who you’re becoming in Christ? Can they elevate their thinking to those higher levels – that destiny and kingdom level thinking? You cannot allow those whose faith isn’t in line with your destiny to be connected to you.

You cannot hinder me, God has sent me and he’s molding me. I’m on a mission and it’s unstoppable because God’s faith is backing me up !

You want to be able to share the mind of those you’re connected to. Let people know that if they are connected to you they have to be ready for elevation because in this walk with Christ you don’t need distractions. You’re not here to play games, let them know that you and whoever is in your circle are living for Christ and pressing into the things of God because the anointing upon your life can and will destroy whatever yoke is on theirs. Yes, that’s how powerful the hand of God is working in your life, so they should know who they are connected to. Can they move when God says move as he’s molding you into who he created you to be?

With all that said, who are you connected to? Check your circle and consult God.


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