6 Tips for Spiritual Growth

As believers, we can fall short in our walk with God. Some of us get lukewarm/lazy, whiles others backslide and lose that connection altogether.

Put God first and watch your life change

As believers, we should strive to seek and keep God first but it’s not always an easy task. God never promised for it to be easy but he did say that it would be worth it in the end.

We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God – Acts 14:22

As a growing Christian, I would like to share a few things that I am currently practicing to keep myself on track, elevate spiritually, walk in righteousness, and get closer to God.

1.Reading the Bible consistently

We all know that after you give your life to Christ the manual to Christian life is the Holy Bible. How else would you know God, his Word, his Will for you, and your true identity in Him? Reading the Bible shows us God character and teaches us to imitate him. The Bible reveals to us the next path in life, keeps us from sinning, continuously renews our minds and enlightens us. We are fed by the Word, washed in the Word, and educated in the Word.  Read, study and meditate on the Bible day in and day out, as the old nursery rhyme goes Read your Bible and Pray everyday!

I try to read two chapter of the bible a day, i’m currently in 2 Corinthians 5&6. I don’t just read it like a story book and put it down. I take it verse by verse, comparing with other version when I don’t understand something, take notes on what i’ve read, and discuss it with someone at times.

2. Listening to Christian/ Enlightening Music (Praise & Worship)

We were created to worship God in spirit and in truth. Listening to Music is calming, encouraging, and can promote positive and right thinking. Theirs a saying ” What you put in you is what comes out of you and what you become.” What you listen to and what comes out of your mouth is what is instilled in your heart. We all love a good song, especially with a good beat but we should be cautious of what we fill ourselves with, it does affect the way you think, view life, and act subconsciously. Don’t get me wrong, I do listen to afro beats and r&b here and there but honestly, if the song doesn’t sit well with my spirit I’ll change it. I have steered towards more worships songs because I like the way it makes me feel and the messages they portray. Singing praise & worship songs is another form of communicating with God.

God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.- John 4:24

3. Praying

Prayer is a way we are able to communicate with God. We should pray to get closer to Gods’ heart, to communicate with him, be freed of our sins, enlightened about life, elevated spiritually, receive comfort, healing, protection, and guidance through life. Many fellowships and churches have prayer meeting services, lines, and sessions that you could join to strengthen yourself. We must continuously be in communication with God. Your prayers don’t have to be long, lengthy, or loud all the time to get God’s attention. God hears our hearts cries even when you can’t find the words to say. So, please strive to be in communication (prayer) with God throughout your life and discuss every aspect of your life, even what you may consider little “stupid” things, he cares and will help you.

Pray without ceasing – 1 Thessalonians 5:17

4. Daily Devotion/ Quiet Time

Each Day as believers we must start our day giving reverence to God. Don’t start by scrolling through all the social media platforms, I know it’s hard, I struggle with it too but the first thing we should do is thank God for waking us up. Spend time in his presence, worshipping him, reading the bible, and praying. There are a variety of devotional books that assist us with providing a topic and verses to focus on at that time, giving us a guide. There is no right or wrong way in doing your devotion/quiet time- it’s that heart that matters.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.- Matthew 6:33

The one I am currently using is : Book Purchase – Open Heavens 2017 & Online

5.  Going to Church

As believers, attending church is very important. The church is a place of refuge where we all gather to worship, praise, be encouraged, fellowship, learn from God’s word, and be elevated spiritually. The place that you choose to go to church will impact your life so please choose wisely, go where your spirit is at peace and you grow spiritually. It doesn’t matter if it’s a big or small church, what matter is the spirit that works in that place and if you are growing in the Lord. Don’t just be a “pew warmer”, listen, meditate, and practice it in your life. No church is perfect but if you go with a mind of expectancy to fuel yourself with the word, God will surely visit you.

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. – Matthews 18:20

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.- James 1:22

6. Listening to Sermons

As believers, you shouldn’t just go to church on Sunday and not seek the word for yourself the other days of the week. You have to continuously study the Bible, seek insight to deepen your understanding of the Word in order to walk righteously. One person does not know everything, have all the anointing, and gifts of the spirit. I watch many preachings via youtube, podcast, TV, IG, & facebook. Studying the word outside of church is done to be continuously filled with it and to get deeper understanding on Scriptures and topics. In school you do not only study/receive knowledge inside the classroom but when you are alone you study and practice it to further your understanding and strive to perfect your application. We should apply this same concept to our relationship with God.

 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ Romans 10:17

Here are some preachers That I love to listen to:

Rev. Emmanuel Agormeda ( Live Stream) – RoyalHouse MD Mission

Rev. Funke ( Youtube) – Click Here

NanaSei – Click Here

Sylvia Blessings ( Facebook & Youtube) – Click Here

Steven Furtick (IG, Youtube, Podcast) – Click Here

Joyce Meyer(TV, Podcast, Youtube) – Click Here

One Church LA (Podcast, IG, Youtube) – Click Here


This Christian Walk isn’t any easy one but if we intentionally and consistently with sincerity seek and follow the word of God we shall we well in the end. Amen

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world – John 16:33 


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